Alberta Oilmen's Bonspiel Association
49th Annual Curling Bonspiel

  and thank you to our draw prize donors!
Brandt/Wadeco - 4 Ballon Rides
Mullen Trucking - 7 x $100.00 Bills
Garneau Pipe Coating - 4 Fleece Vests
Budget Car & Truck Rental - 6 Day Trail Ride
Colt Engineering Corp. - 4 Fleece Pullovers
Superior Propane Inc. - 4 Barbeques

Event #1
thevent1winners.jpg (4251 bytes)
Presenter - Nick Sakires
Skip - Randy Reynolds
3rd - Murray Reynolds
2nd - Merv Wallawein
Lead - Darcy Kundert

Event #2
thevent2winners.jpg (4251 bytes)
resenter - Rod Butcher
Skip - David Smith
3rd - Mike Freeman
2nd - Jeff McPhail
Lead - Jeff Hassman

Event #3thevent3winners.jpg (4251 bytes)
Presenter - Rod Butcher
Skip - Herb Pearson
3rd - Gene Siceith
2nd - Kelly Jamison
Lead - Gary Laskosi

Event #4thevent4winners.jpg (4251 bytes)
Presenter - John Palazeti
Skip - Bill Paterson
3rd - Tammy Sky
2nd - Greg Mansfield
Lead - Dwight Layoie

Event #5thevent5winners.jpg (4251 bytes)
Presenter - Rod Butcher
Skip - Wayne Miller
3rd - Rob Timmons
2nd - Kevin Archibald
Lead - Jeff Poth

Event #6thevent6winners.jpg (4251 bytes)
Presenter - Dave Richardson
Skip - Jim Ross
3rd - Sandy Jenkins
2nd - Vince Reinsch
Lead - Morgan Steeves

Event #7thevent7winners.jpg (4251 bytes)
Presenter - Harold Hansen
Skip - Clarence Glessing
3rd - Pat Demerais
2nd - Luke Kimber
Lead - John Rodzinyak

Event #8thevent8winners.jpg (4251 bytes)
Presenter - Ben Bury
Skip - Philip Moore
3rd - Mike Langlois
2nd - Don Anderson
Lead - Dave Cryer

Event #9thevent1winners.jpg (4251 bytes)
Presenter - Rod Butcher
Skip - Les Gould
3rd - Les Corbett
2nd - Barry Corbett
Lead - Todd Neely

Event #10thevent10winners.jpg (4251 bytes)
Presenter - Rod Butcher
Skip - Ken Sept
3rd - Randy McGill
2nd - Honory Beaujot
Lead - Claire Glendinning