Alberta Oilmen's Bonspiel Association
50th Annual Curling Bonspiel

  and thank you to our draw prize donors!

Event #1
thevent1winners.jpg (4251 bytes)
Presenter - Mike Seifert
Skip - Blaine Zubot
3rd - Dave Schmunk
2nd - Cliff Borchers
Lead - Dan Moan

Event #2
thevent2winners.jpg (5278 bytes)
resenter - John Frank
Skip - Dave Rutherford
3rd - Gord Rutherford
2nd - John Wainwright
Lead - Bob Green

Event #3thevent3winners.jpg (5087 bytes)
Presenter - John Frank
Skip - Barry Moore
3rd - Terry Sharp
2nd - Doug Smithy
Lead - Terry Gerlitz

Event #4thevent4winners.jpg (5480 bytes)
Presenter - Don Hier
Skip - Darcy Anderson
3rd - Chris Grabowecky
2nd - Larry Mah
Lead - Greg Convery

Event #5thevent5winners.jpg (5699 bytes)
Presenter - Rod Butcher
Skip - Al Pankoski
3rd - Ted Clarke
2nd - Duane Felt
Lead - Larry Dean

Event #6thevent6winners.jpg (5313 bytes)
Presenter - Rick Rathier
Skip - Ron Feschuk
3rd - Ed Grotkowski
2nd - Greg Wilson
Lead - Ken George

Event #7thevent7winners.jpg (5478 bytes)
Presenter - Harold Hansel
Skip - Oryst Myroniuk
3rd - Gerry Anderson
2nd - Bob Feduneak
Lead - Sean Doucette

Event #8thevent8winners.jpg (5547 bytes)
Presenter - Rick Rathier
Skip - Erwin Nycholat
3rd - Gary Weiler
2nd - Craig Brown
Lead - Tony Gaisson

Event #9thevent9winners.jpg (5464 bytes)
Presenter - Rick Rathier
Skip - Mo Coutney
3rd - Rick Ramsay
2nd - Paul Wagner
Lead - Kelvin Mozill

Event #10thevent10winners.jpg (5420 bytes)
Presenter - John Frank
Skip - Aaron Westgard
3rd - Brent Bury
2nd - Bruce Curlock
Lead - Maurice Martineau